Officers and members of the board of the Friends of Spring Mill.


President - Ligman, Teena 

VP - Cross-Najafi, Rowena

Treasurer - Merchant, Lincoln

Secretary - Lagle, Shannon

Campground - Terry, Sara


Bishop, Allen

Embry, Robyn

Fletcher, Sarah

Mason, Becky

Short, Lisa

Wade, Tommy



  • All members who are in good standing are eligible to be elected to the Board of Directors.

  • The Friends Board shall consist of no more than 11 voting members and one or more non -voting Park representatives. Terms shall be for two (2) years beginning in April and ending in March.

  • The initial board of directors, three (3) voting members shall be elected for a one (1) year term, and four (4) voting members shall be elected for two (2) year terms. This will allow for a partial change in the board every year. If multiple new positions are added to the board, new positions will be divided between one (1) and two (2) year terms.


  • The Friends Board shall normally be elected at the March membership meeting by the eligible voting members of the Friends. The Friends members shall nominate candidates for the Friends Board. Newly-elected Board members and officers shall be seated at the April Board meeting.

  • The Friends board members shall elect a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary as officers. Terms shall be for one (1) year beginning in April and ending in March.

  • The initial board shall be elected at an interim election at the first membership meeting following the approval of the Friends Bylaws. The initial officers shall then be immediately appointed by the Board.


  • President:

The President shall hold the principal executive position of the organization and shall, in general, supervise the business and affairs of the organization. He/she shall preside at all general membership meetings and meetings of the Board and shall be responsible for all the general meeting and board meeting agendas. The President shall perform all duties incidental to the office of the President, serve as ex-officio member of all committees, except the nominating committee and other such duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time. The President has authority to sign legal contracts and other agreements after approval by the Friends Board. The President shall also serve as the Parliamentarian.

  • Vice President:

The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence or inability to serve and shall serve as chairman of the Program Committee. The Vice President shall have such other powers and duties as assigned by the President of the Board of Directors.

  • Treasurer

The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds raised by the Friends. The Treasurer shall maintain all accounts, balance the books, and maintain the financial records of the organization. These records, including bank statements, receipts, budgets, invoices, paid receipts and canceled checks, shall be held for seven (7) years. Disbursements shall be made in accordance with the budget adopted by the Board.

Friends-related expenses shall be only reimbursed with prior approval of the board. The president, treasurer, secretary and vice president are authorized to sign checks. A financial statement shall be presented at general meetings, board meetings and at other times when requested by the Friends membership or the Board. Independent audits shall be performed, when required by a vote of the Friends Board. All required tax forms; government forms and other required financial paperwork will be performed by the treasurer. The Treasurer shall chair the Financial Committee.