1934 - Year Two For Camp SP-1

YEAR 1934 - Year 2 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) at Spring Mill State Park

The list of documents below are not all inclusive of those you can view if you click on any of the links but highlight some the webmaster thought were the most interesting. At this time the camp is called locally SP #1 (for State Park #1) though its official designation is Camp 1536.

  • List of 24 CCC camps in Indiana including 7 in State Parks. (by end of year there are 27 and 9 in state parks

  • May 1934 report includes disciplinary reports, personnel information, food supplies.

  • May Supplemental Report - includes educational and athletic programs, work projects, report that the camp was quarantined for measles, Army and Forestry supervisory personnel, classes taught and menus.

  • Labor Dispute at camp.

  • October 1934 Report - Similar to other reports but mentions a high number of “elopements” from Camp 1536 that they can’t explain. Says the camp is mixed race but will be all white at end of month. They have an issue with shoe repair that is getting dire.

  • Architectural drawing of camp layout.

  • February 28, 1934 report - describes the difficulty of working in -12 degree weather and deep snow and in karst topography.

  • March report, 1934 report - talks of fighting a forest fire at Huron, of needing latrines at the work site and the arduous task of road building in winter.

  • April 1934 Report- Though down half strength, this report talks of amazing accomplishments with reforestation, repairing the flume, the Mill, fighting fires in the area, etc.

  • July 1934 Report - They are back up to strength with enrollees and making progress on the clearing for the lake, the bridge, shelter house, septic system, etc are going well.

  • November 1934 Report - This report which includes a diagram of the work and an update of the many projects going on at that time. Good update on where they were at that point.

Thirty CCC men pose in front of a barracks-style building. Second row, far left is identified as most likely William Clayton May who served as a cook in 1934. Below is a shot of the barracks of camp area at Camp 1536 at Spring Mill.